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I Should Care*

You may be familiar with the phrase “don’t take anything personally”, if you’ve read “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz.  Even if you haven’t read the book, it’s a lesson we all can learn at some point, especially in business. And, while it’s taken me decades to live that lesson, I have always managed to keep from personalizing in my own business.  I am very comfortable with the idea that my voice just wasn’t what the client was looking for that day.  It might be perfect for someone else on any other day.

The voice-over business is competitive, to say the least.   But, I do love the level playing field.  Without introductions, face-to-face meetings, or even phone calls, clients hire a voice.  Whether one has 20 years or 1 year experience, it is the sound of the voice that attracts.  Of course, the voice of a seasoned veteran can be identified through the audition process, but essentially, the business is based upon a quick voice impression.  Visual cues don’t tend to sway the audio demo.

Indeed, someone’s appearance could be interpreted as to how they sound.  Or, their repartee in an interview may determine their job prospects.  But, thankfully for me, you get 5 seconds to impress a listener and then they move one.  My hair and outfit don’t matter.  My nervousness in an interview is irrelevant. That I have built a successful business out of my closet and have been working at it for eight years is also irrelevant.  Or that I’ve performed 100+ singing gigs in New York City.  Irrelevant. The listener doesn’t care about that.  And I say, thank goodness.

It’s not that I don’t care about being the best voice talent in the land, perhaps I should.  But, if I’m not chosen for a project, I won’t take it personally…

*song by Stordahl, Weston, and Cahn, 1944