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Life’s Been Good (To Me So Far)*

Sometimes I feel like a terrible Mom.

With a voice-over business at home, there are times I sit, feeling guilty, in my studio thinking I could be interacting with my kids, listening to them read, or helping them with an activity.  Instead, I make them their afternoon snack, put on a moderately educational show, and make use of the 30-60 minutes I have while they are quietly zoned out on the tube.  Or, I put them to bed and tell them I can only lie with them for 5 minutes because I have to record.  Or, I yell at them to be quiet because I NEED TO RECORD!!!…

And then, I breathe… and remember that I get to be home with them.  I get to meet them as they get off the bus and I happily make them something to eat afterschool.  I get to put them to bed and lie with them for 5 minutes, and usually more.  I get to teach them what it means to have your own business, to be employed at something out-of-the ordinary, and most of the time, to manage your life and not let it manage you.

Every now and then, I bask in the glow of what I have created in my life – an opportunity to be available to my children AND to operate a fulfilling, successful business in a way that suits me.  What a blessing.  Life’s been good to me so far…

*song/lyric by Joe Walsh